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tips, advice and resources for careers in public health, including "How to EDU"
When Having Average Grades is Perfectly Fine

When Having Average Grades is Perfectly Fine

One difference between being an undergraduate and a graduate student can be the focus on grades. The goal of graduate school is to acquire the knowledge, skills, experience and community that will help you succeed as a professional. Notice that I did not say grades....

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Savor the Freshness of a New Year

Savor the Freshness of a New Year

I LOVE this time of a new year! We have closed the books on 2013…or, at the very least we don’t have to guess or worry about what is going to happen last year. And, we get to focus on the excitement of planning for and dreaming about our triumphs, large and small,...

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Tips for Using LinkedIn (and Other Online Networks)

Tips for Using LinkedIn (and Other Online Networks)

Whether you are entering the final year of your undergraduate training or secure in your current job, please take some time to build your LinkedIn (LI) network and use LI to pursue your professional goals. After all, you can’t leverage your professional community on...

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(Not Necessarily Your) University Resources

(Not Necessarily Your) University Resources

Can't find specific career or student services, alumni or other resources at your university? See what other academic sites offer. University/college/community college websites can be a good source of information on a wide range of topics. I.e., The information is...

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Fake it ‘Till You Make It?

Fake it ‘Till You Make It?

Whenever I hear the phrase “Fake it 'Till You Make It,” I have two reactions. My analytical mind, says…riiiggght. You can’t fake knowledge or empathy or dependability. Seriously. My other reaction is…ummmhuh. I get it. If I behave like a professional, people will...

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