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Choosing a College Major

Choosing a College Major

I just love a great video, especially when the advice is similar to what I share with students :). Here is a short (couple of minute) video on choosing a college major. Also included, are similar videos on choosing classes, double majors, etc. I think the...
Mentoring 101

Mentoring 101

Last year, I had a great conversation with Sierra M., who had just started the second year of an MPH program at Tulane. One topic of our discussion was mentoring. Here are some related points sparked by our call. 1)   Don’t forget that mentors are not just for current...
Managing “To Do” Lists

Managing “To Do” Lists

Recently, Mallory (a UNC undergraduate student) asked me how I manage multiple, ongoing projects. In particular, she wanted advice on how to improve on the fact that she sometimes (many times?) takes more time than allotted to complete a specific task. I responded by...
Five Posts with Advice on Starting a New Semester

Hello! Is Anybody Out There?

I want to remind folks that part of the purpose of this blog is to answer questions about the college or post-college education experience. I spent many years…10 to be exact…in post-high school programs and have advised hundreds of students. If I...