A Shameless Podcast Plug…Unplugged
For three months in 2015, I had the great fortune to be a fellow in AcademyHealth's AcademyHealth's Innovators-in-Residence program. For three months, I worked from an office in Washington, DC on a creative project, while learning more about the fabulous folks who...
APHA’s Annual Meeting – A Great Introduction to Public Health
If you are a student and exploring career opportunities, I encourage you to attend the annual meeting for the American Public Health Association (APHA). These events bring thousands of professionals and experts and folks who want to connect with them to one place and...
“SPH alum goes on-air to counsel radio host” | UMD School of Public Health
SPH alum goes on-air to counsel radio host | UMD School of Public Health. February 19, 2015 Family Science alumna Weena Cullins, a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist, was featured in Terp Magazine's Winter 2015 edition for her regular on-air marriage...
Become a Public Health Expert. It’s Dr. Wirth It!
Here is one way experts improve our lives. They share facts and perspectives on public health issues, such as the recent spread of measles in the U.S. Check out the interview from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "Sick with measles, again" Infectious...
Seasons Greetings!
Looking for 2015 Fellowships?
Fellowships can be a great way to transition from school to a career path. They typically offer participants on-the-job training and support, while relying on fellows to apply lessons learned and experience gained from recent degree or certificate programs....