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tips, advice and resources for careers in public health, including "How to EDU"

The Utility of AHA! and Sometimes Duh!

Today I had the pleasure of attending a seminar conducted by my friend and colleague, Dr. Krista Perreira [and hosted by my School's Student Global Health Committee, yay students!]. I attended to support my friend and because sometimes the most delightful inspiration...

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Corporations Can Do Well(ness)

Some of the largest and most "corporate" businesses are also great places to work and practice public health. For example, IBM supports global wellness initiatives that benefit their employees, their financial bottom line and the health education/promotion experts who...

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How We Know When Flu Deaths are (Probably) Epidemic

An opinion piece in today's Times & Transcript reminds us of the angst and flurry of activities surrounding the "swine flu"or H1N1 epidemic of 2009. As the opening paragraph notes, we were told to: Keep the kids home from school - better yet, close all the schools...

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Yes, Pink, He and His Company Are Too School for Cool

As promised, I consulted with a biostatistician at my current school for inspiration. While today's featured organization was not her idea (thanks, anyway, Dr. Herring), she shared some great ideas that I will share with you later. Today's featured public health...

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Insert Lotto Motto Here

When you are looking for a career or specific position (internship or job), you won't get help if you don't ask for it...or, as is the case for this site...follow it. One way to get advice on a specific field like public health is to find someone who has a position or...

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(Safe) Water, (Safe) Water (Not) Everywhere

Most communities in the U.S. are privileged enough to have a steady supply of relatively cheap  and safe water. This is in part due to rules and regulations that govern the water utilities that supply this water. In response to regulations..and with an aim to protect...

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