Five Posts with Advice on Starting a New Semester
Here are a few posts with advice on how to have a good start to a new term (semester, academic year). Some focus on undergraduates and some on the graduate student experience. All have similar advice: advanced prep work or planning can help you have the best possible...
Starting Your Potential List of Colleges / Programs (Part 7 of 7)
Ever start something then realize you miscounted and now you can't go back and fix it because, you know, social media is forever? So ends this list of ways to start your list of potential colleges or programs. Note that I did not add "costs" as a way to start the list...
Starting Your List of Potential Colleges / Programs: Browsing (Part 6 of 7)
Browsing may be my favorite way to add to a list of potential college and education training programs. I was the kid (…adult) who would sometimes choose a book from the bookshelf in the library because I saw it while I was looking for another one. So many titles and...
Starting Your List of Potential Colleges / Programs: Role Models (Part 5 of 7)
Relying on role models as ONE way to identify potential colleges or programs seems pretty simple, right? All you have to do is 1) think about your favorite or most admired celebrity, politician or local business person, 2) check where they went to school or what...
Hello! Is Anybody Out There?
I want to remind folks that part of the purpose of this blog is to answer questions about the college or post-college education experience. I spent many years...10 to be exact...in post-high school programs and have advised hundreds of students. If I don't know the...
Starting Your List of Potential Colleges / Programs: Rankings (Part 4 of 7)
As an expert trained in data analysis, I understand the criticisms of academic rankings. Yes, it is impossible to sum up a university or program’s “worth” in a single number. Yes, the quality of the data provided is not ideal. Yes, colleges and programs are complex...