No Better Time Than Now to Start Good Money Management
A LOT of news articles, blogs posts and research have provided evidence and discussed the rising costs of college education. While most people agree on the value of training and education after high school, they can disagree on whether the benefits outweigh the costs....
There’s a “New” Kind of Interview in Town: Behavioral Interviews
Though the general purpose of a job/fellowship/program/internship/etc. interview has not changed, the types of questions you may be asked are expanding. Traditional interviewing calls upon the candidate to state opinions: "Tell me about yourself." "What are your...
The Value of Diverse News and Information Sources
The popularity of social media makes it even easier for us to focus on individuals and organizations that are most similar or familiar. While being surrounded by reinforcing ideas can be comforting and entertaining on a personal level, it may not be the best approach...
The Power of Negative Thinking (Not a Typo)
Recently, my family and I dealt with a major health crisis (that is going well now). At the peak of uncertainty about the outcome, my sister told me that she was really stressed and was concerned about her stress level going “sky-high.” Later, I thought to myself that...
“Official” Student Blogs
Whether you attend a certain college or not, great resources for a peek into student life and tips on how to handle challenges and opportunities are student blogs. In this case, I focus on the ones featured on college or university websites. Sure, the “official” blogs...
Managing Your Boss (and Yourself)
I REALLY like this concept. At its core is the recognition that the employee-boss relationship is just that, a relationship. And, like every other relationship, it involves two imperfect people and relies on effective communication, a commitment to success and regular...