If You Build It, Your Student Advocacy May Last
As the Assistant Dean of Students at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, I blogged on student affairs for about a year under the moniker “The Dancing Dean.” (Yes, there is a story.) The purpose of that blog was to share information and advice for the...
Happy Thanksgiving (and Chanukah) !
Wishing you and yours the very best of the Thanksgiving and Chanukah holidays! May you enjoy your time with family and friends... and catch up on your assignments.... 🙂
Prepping for Conferences or Large Meetings
Now that you have joined some professional or job-oriented groups, don’t forget to be you best by preparing in advance. Here are some tips. Add on as you think of more!! Conference purposes (reminder): Networking The exchange of professional information (e.g.,...
What Professional Groups Have You Joined….LATELY?
Professional associations or groups that represent specific jobs or careers can be great resources, especially in the early stages of a career. When you join and participate in conferences, meetings or other activities you can: meet potential funders/collaborators/new...
Inspiration in the Day-to-Day
Sometimes we overlook the value of inspirations. The hustle and bustle and hassle of the day-to-day (d-t-d) can be draining and frustrating, especially when we lose sight of our own big picture or why we chose a particular job or career path. I think that being...
Grants and Scholarships, Take One
Yes, I know. The federal government’s reputation for website quality has taken a recent and massive hit because of the health care reform website. Still, many government websites are great sources of information and links to resources for topics that are not new or...