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Sometimes we overlook the value of inspirations.

The hustle and bustle and hassle of the day-to-day (d-t-d)
can be draining and frustrating, especially when we lose sight of our own big picture or why we chose a particular job or career path.

I think that being inspired is not just for those relatively rare “aha” moments.

Whenever you need a boost for your professional pursuits, don’t forget that you can lean on your inspirations,
i.e., the people, words, images and experiences that…
empower you,
motivate you to think differently,
remind you to strive to be your best possible self,
energize you to get through a particularly challenging day, etc.

Here is a poem I put on my refrigerator door for inspiration: Living with Intention by Mary Ann Radmacher.


credit: Mary Anne Radmacher