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Yesterday, the CDC released a report describing where in the U.S. Americans engage in the least amount of leisure time physical activity. They also linked the same regions, in the South and Appalachia, to relatively high rates of diabetes and obesity.

This CDC report also highlights an approach to addressing these trends, noted below.

If you are interested in urban/community design and planning and health promotion, environmental health could be the career for you. And, there are many opportunities to put that kind of knowledge and skill to work! Communities and states are already working on ways to encourage active living via the design of their environments. Below is an example of a collaboration among three communities in Minnesota.

Copied from the CDC press release:

Community organizations and policymakers can use this information to support health-promoting urban design, land use, and transportation policies in their state, community or neighborhoods. “Chronic diseases, like diabetes, are a burden on our health care system,” said Janet E. Fulton, Ph.D., of CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity. “We need changes in communities that make it safe and easy to be active. Sidewalks, street lights, and access to parks or recreation areas can encourage people to get out and move more.”

Copied from their website:

Welcome to the Active Living Community Vision

Three Minnesota communities are engaging in an active living assessment and engagement process to develop an active living vision.  The communities are funded by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and assisted by Active Living by Design to create the blueprints for a healthier community. In addition, Active Living by Design helps the communities create a plan for rallying community support to implement their vision. The overarching aim is to transfer skills to these communities, build long-term capacity to promote environments that encourage physical activity, and ultimately improve the health of Minnesotans. The three funded communities are the Arrowhead Region (Carlton, Cook, Lake, and St. Louis Counties), Dakota County and Hennepin County.