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What is a ResBi, you ask? Starting today, I am taking a new approach to my posts about research.

First, I am calling them Research Bites or ResBis for short. Similar to a sound bite, the idea is to use a relatively short amount of words to describe examples of public health research…relatively short being relative.

Second, I am giving these research posts a more specific structure:

  • The public health problem
  • The findings
  • How the findings can be used
  • (Some) related public health training
Let me know what you think…ok, primarily the positive feedback :).
University of Illinois at Chicago
Center on Health Promotion Research for Persons with Disabilities
Universal Design and Health Promotion

Examination of Built Environment Instruments Addressing Health Promoting Behaviors 

The Public Health Problem

As a way to understand and promote health behaviors, public health experts have created ways to measure “health promotion accessibility and community livability” related to the built environment (or how communities are physically organized and what is available in the physical environment). These tools are not always geared towards the needs of persons with disabilities, which can result in a disparity of services.

The Findings

The website provides tables showing what proportion of the instruments have appropriate content (described as overlap), with instrument content categories like bicycle path slope or continuity. Also provided is a long list of built environment instruments, with some descriptive info of each.

To Do with the Findings

Advocates and persons with disabilities can use the results to encourage researchers to expand their instruments. Better instruments and results from them can help advocates and persons with disabilities make recommendations to better serve this population.

(Some) Related Public Health Training

  • Health Behavior and Health Education
  • Environmental Health/Environmental Sciences and Engineering
  • Health Policy