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tips, advice and resources for careers in public health, including "How to EDU"

CSI Has Nothing on Epidemiologists!

&A on Facebook If you like CSI (the TV show) or solving mysteries (in general), become a disease detective or epidemiologist. Still not sure what an epidemiologist does? Start with this interactive case study:

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Pretty…Air Quality

&A on Facebook Environmental scientists use smog chambers to measure the impact of local air quality on health. Want to know your local air quality? Check out this map, supported by international, federal, tribal, state and local agencies and...

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Teams FTW, Including Biostatisticians

&A on Facebook Problems like obesity require teams of people with different perspectives and skills. PHiA: Today's Daily Herald report on new dietary guidelines features a clinical dietician, journalist, health department official, nutrition professor and...

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The Week of 1/24/11

&A You don't have to have a graduate degree to practice public health. Jack LaLanne was a pioneer in health promotion, using videos, speeches and shows to encourage regular physical activity and good nutrition. PHiA (Public Health in...

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The Week of 1/17/11

&As As with MLK and the movement he inspired, equity and service are key tenets of public health. Many public health professionals focus on reducing health disparities and providing support for their communities. The American Public Health Association's November...

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The Week of 1/10/11

To kick things off on Facebook and Twitter, I started with introductions, the anatomy of a Ten & Two, a "shout out" to my first fan, Joe W, and the list of the main areas of public health. Here are the rest of Facebook entries...the "&As" or info in place of...

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