What’s Design Got to Do, Got to Do With It?
Yesterday, the CDC released a report describing where in the U.S. Americans engage in the least amount of leisure time physical activity. They also linked the same regions, in the South and Appalachia, to relatively high rates of diabetes and obesity. This CDC report...
Doing as I Say, Consulting a Biostatistician
In case you haven't noticed, one of my goals for this resource is to not focus only on one or two public health fields. To showcase the breadth and depth of public health, I am rotating my posts across seven or eight key disciplines. Today's discipline is...
Access Issues Are Not Just About Healthcare
Tonight I joined the North Carolina State University's Minority Association of Pre-Health Students for a discussion of public health. We had a great time...ok, I can only speak for myself. I had a great time answering their questions, sharing my pathways through...
How the GRAMMY Awards are Like Public Health
Yes, the order is correct. Public health separate from medical professions is at least 100 years old...give or take. As I was watching and listening to the GRAMMY Awards show last night, I was struck by a similarity to public health. Public health as a concept...
Who Needs Guitar Hero?
I enjoy popular culture with the best of them, including current music, movies, books, TV shows, dance, etc. I can chat about this season of Fringe and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo AND debate whether or not genetics trumps culture as a determinant of health...
Want Career Advice? Chat with a Real Dean!
Ok, an assistant dean of students affairs...still, a real dean 🙂 I started this service to help students of all ages find out about public health careers and how to pursue them. I wish there was a service like this when I was in high school. Very few of my high...