Have You Eaten a Rainbow This Month?
Are you looking for accurate nutrition information or how to eat well? Who isn't right? The American Dietetic Association (ADA) has a great website with info and advice for the general public, health professionals, etc. The ADA also has great resources for students...
MCH by Any Other Name, Still Moms and Kids (and Youth and Families)
This summer, one of my students explained her interest in public health by describing a personal experience. Before that summer, she volunteered at a local non-profit and saw young women her age getting help with sexually transmitted diseases and other health...
Getting Their Acts Together
In some political science circles, states are known as laboratories for policy change. After the federal government passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care Education and Reconciliation Act (an amendment of the previous act), states...
Health Promotion in the News
When news reports/articles share health tips, advice or recommended actions items, they have a health promotion/education component. The challenge is to find reliable sources with good advice. Here is an example focusing on eye health promotion/disease...
Public Health is More Than… (PH > …): Part 1
PH > ... An Introduction At a recent meeting of the Health Professions Advisors of North Carolina I was asked for an example of the one thing I would say to a student who is planning to go to medical school about the advantages of a career in public health. At the...
A Method to My (Not Just March) “Madness”
One of my goals for this resource is to showcase the breadth of public health topics, disciplines and career opportunities. In case you haven't noticed, here is my approach for post topics between specific questions. To ensure that I don't focus on the public health...