Kudos to Seventeen Magazine for Promoting Mental Health
Yes, Seventeen Magazine is fun, with a focus on celebrities, culture, dating, fashion and more. At the same time, their editors and authors also help promote good mental health among youth. For example, today the website features a campaign encouraging young women to...
Shop So You Won’t Drop!
On Friday, Newser (an online news source) posted the following summary of an April 7 BBC News report, based on a recent epidemiology study. I think the title says it all :). My Dad (yes, Dad, the flea market shopper) is going to LOVE this. Copied from Newser: Want to...
Sometimes, students interested in health care management ask me about the difference between an MHA and an MBA degree. Usually, they are trying to decide between the two or whether it is worthwhile to earn both. There are many differences and similarities between...
Research Shows Why Your Heart Loves Clean Air
I think most of us are familiar with the somewhat obvious link between air pollution and our lungs. Particles in the air can make it harder for people (and animals) to breathe, which affects health...especially when lung capacity is compromised already, e.g., for...
(Another) Great Online Health Careers Resource
The Office of Science Education at the National Institutes of Health provides an online, interactive program to help junior high and high school students "explore health and medical science careers": LifeWorks. Still looking for a career? While some of this...
Hire a Biostatistician, Save the World
Kaiser Permanente (KP) is a large and integrated health system that provides health/medical care to more than 8.7 million members across the country. KP employees about 164,098 people and has revenue of more than $40 billion. With so many services, including community...