When Reading Comics can be Good for Your Health 🙂
The Hispanic Health Council in Connecticut is dedicated to "...improv[ing] the health and social well-being of Latinos and other diverse communities. They do this with a variety of activities, including research, services and policy/advocacy. As an example, their...
I Spy the Right Training Program for My Issue!
Some people pursue public health careers because they want to help people with a specific disease or have a real impact on diseases that affect the health of many people. For example, they may want to help prevent diabetes because their father suffered from the...
The Environmental Health Department, Please
State and local health departments help improve and protect the health of their communities. One key focus is on the environment. Their environmental health programs address the quality and safety of our water, soil, air, food and more to promote health and quality of...
Go Straight to a PhD, Do Not Pass a Master’s
[See, some students actually enjoy math and biostatistics!!] Today's online The Mercury, the student newspaper of the University of Texas-Dallas (UTD), features a story about a UTD undergraduate student accepted directly into a biostatistics PhD program at the Johns...
From the Videos of Students
Public health schools and programs can be a great source for short, informative and interesting content about public health. For example, you don't have to only take my word for the value of or variety of opportunities in a public health career, you can hear about...
Modeling for the Greater Nutritional Good
Some researchers develop models that help describe and make projections on public health problems, factors that influence these problems and more. The resulting data help policymakers and researchers develop more effective policies and allocate resources. As an...