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tips, advice and resources for careers in public health, including "How to EDU"

Tis the Season to Commence!

Yesterday, I had the great fortune of sitting beside the U.S. Surgeon General as part of the platform party at the commencement ceremony for the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Vice Admiral Regina Benjamin was our honored guest and gave an inspiring talk...

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Biostatistics. It Does a Measurement Good!

One role of biostatisticians is to create and apply statistical methods that help us measure stuff related to public health. The better the method, the better the measurement. The better or more precise the measurement, the more confident we can be that we understand...

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Kudos to Public Health Nutrition Hero: Dr. Marion Nestle

In March 2011, Dr. Marion Nestle was recognized as a public health hero by the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health. Her online citation notes that she was honored for "her national leadership in nutrition policy and her guidance in stemming...

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…with a Certificate on the Side, Please

New high school or college graduates are not the only folks who benefit from public health training. Some programs are specifically designed for people who are already working in public health in some way, i.e., public health practitioners. The additional training may...

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Comparing Apples and Oranges Can Help Make Fruit Salad

Are you frustrated with the U.S. health care "system"  and want to make changes? You can make a difference by becoming a health policy expert who focuses on comparing health care systems in different countries.  Goals would be to understand why systems are the way...

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Violence Prevention = Public Health

Because today's news is dominated by Osama Bin Laden's death, today's post is about violence as a public health issue. One way to improve individual and community well-being is to influence people's behaviors, in this case, preventing violent behaviors. According to...

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