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tips, advice and resources for careers in public health, including "How to EDU"
UNC SPHF 2011 in the School!

UNC SPHF 2011 in the School!

For the past week, my staff and I have been completing the final stages of preparation for the arrival of 30 (primarily minority and disadvantaged) undergraduate college students to arrive our campus. We (as in the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health...

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Analyze This, House!

Analyze This, House!

This belongs in the "learn something new and interesting everyday" category. When I think of what epidemiologists do, I tend to think of experts tracking diseases in large communities or highly mobile people. Today, I learned about epidemiology-based programs in...

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Safety in the Summertime

Safety in the Summertime

Bravo to the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services for reminding people of what they can due to prevent injuries and illness this summer! This is public health promotion (and hopefully prevention) at its best!! Copied from the West Kentucky Star's website:...

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ResBi: An Environmental Health Research Challenge

ResBi: An Environmental Health Research Challenge

The Public Health Problem Some of our manufacturing and other processes contaminate soil with chemicals and other by-products. To motivate people to reduce or prevent soil pollution, we need evidence linking contaminates to negative impacts on health. Evidence is also...

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Meet the Biostatistics Professor

Every once in awhile, I have to take advantage of the fact that my current school has wonderful people and projects that I can feature here! Today's public health hero is a professor at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health who also happens to have been one...

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