My Guide for Writing the Perfect Personal Statement (for Fellowships, Jobs, Applications and more)
Of course, y'all know there is no "perfect" personal statement, right? Below is the outline of a presentation I gave to master's students in the Department of Health Policy and Management. Note that these tips apply to any type of "personal statement," including for...
Starting Your List of Potential Colleges / Programs: “Word of Mouth” (Part 3 of 7)
One of the easiest ways to start a list of potential colleges or training programs is to start with the people you know or "word of mouth." If you haven’t already heard the stories of how Aunt Sue met Uncle Joe in college (or law school) or about your teacher’s...
Starting Your List of Potential Colleges / Programs: Going Local (Part 2 of 7)
As you consider where you want to go to college or get training for a job, don’t forget to look in your own backyard, so to speak. Community colleges, auto body repair schools (for example) or universities within 100 miles may be perfect for you. In addition to...
EssayHell.com (on writing college application essays)
For some students, one of the most challenging parts of a college/program application is the essay. This document is may be the first time the admissions committee hears your 'voice" and aspirations, and at the same time they may not give you much guidance on what to...
Starting Your List of Potential Colleges / Programs: Intro and Wikipedia (Part 1 of 7)
Whether you are applying to colleges for the first time, complementing your degree with a certificate or developing skills for a specific profession (e.g., personal trainer or chef), deciding where to apply can be one of your biggest hurdles. There are many reasons to...
Education, Students and Colleges / Programs Defined for “Ten & Twos”
Sometimes when I teach a class or give a presentation, I start by defining key terms. Audiences include people with training and experiences that are different from mine. Those differences help explain why they might describe the same concept using different terms,...