Assistant Dean Mebane and Dean Rimer at a commencement ceremony for the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
One of my favorite spring events is a commencement or graduation ceremony. Between myself, two sisters and both parents with college and advanced degrees AND being a professor, dean of students and mentor for more than ten years, I have been to many of these celebrations. And, I enjoyed every one.
All of the pomp and circumstance, including the robes and marching to THE music, and some of the speeches (just being real) generate a level of excitement and pride that is unique. Graduation ceremonies combine recognition of a major accomplishment with the energy of a sporting event with a favorite team. After all, what can be a better reason to cheer than for a family member or friend who has made it?
So, if you have a chance to celebrate the earning of a degree/diploma, go the ceremony! Take pictures and video. Cheer loudly. Collect programs. Give lots of hugs and pats on the back.
It will be totally worth it!