If you are a student and exploring career opportunities, I encourage you to attend the annual meeting for the American Public Health Association (APHA). These events bring thousands of professionals and experts and folks who want to connect with them to one place and time period. You can network, learn about the latest issues and opportunities and soak up the excitement of a community of people who care about people and health.
This year’s event is in Chicago, Illinois October 31 – November 4, and you can register starting on June 2, 2015. If you are in the Chicago area or can afford to attend or can convince your employer or school to support you, go! If you can’t, perhaps you can join us inDenver, CO in 2016 or Atlanta, GA in 2017.
This year’s theme is Health in All Policies. Here’s how they describe it.
The environments in which people live, work, learn and play have a tremendous impact on their health. Responsibility for the social determinants of health falls to many nontraditional health partners, such as housing, transportation, education, air quality, parks, criminal justice, energy, and employment agencies. Public health agencies and organizations will need to work with those who are best positioned to create policies (legal and regulatory) and practices that promote healthy communities and environments and secure the many co-benefits that can be attained through healthy public policy.
Here’s more Information for First Time Attendees and Students and Early Career Professionals.